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Babstats JOstats

for Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising V1.6.9.2

Supported Expansions/Mods:
- Joint Operations: Escalation V1.6.7.13
- International Conflict V3.2.2
- Reality Mod V0.25

Version: 1.7.9 (Standalone - BMTV3)

Author: Peter Jones (AKA Azrael)
Email: p.jones188@btinternet.com
Support: http://www.babstats.com

PHP 5.6 Support By: Novahq.net

Shark - for all the support shown, testing facilities provided and
ideas giving to make JOStats the next step.

The Game Monsters - for various game servers used for testing.

Babstats Staff - Each and everyone of these people give up ALOT
of their spare time to provide support, come up with new ideas and
add new features to make babstats programs the #1 choice stats program
for DF and JO Games.....and they do it for FREE.

JOStats is a product of Bab.stats.

Copyright © 2006-2007 Peter Jones

JOStats Powered by Bab.stats :: Version: 1.7.9 (Standalone - BMTV3) :: PHP 5.6+ by NovaHQ :: "Default" template by Azrael ::.